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Configuring Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIV2) - PCI Compliance


To enable CSIv2 for inbound and outbound launch the wsadmin tool with -lang jython and issue the following command:

AdminTask.configureCSIOutbound('[-transportLayer 'SSL-required']')
AdminTask.configureCSIInbound('[-transportLayer 'SSL-required' ]')

Using the console:

Set the inbound and outbound transports in the administrative console. Make sure that administrative security is enabled.

  • WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0: Click Security > Global Security > RMI/IIOP Security > CSIv2 inbound [outbound[ communications. Change the transport type under the CSIv2 Transport Layer to SSL-Required.

Transport values:


CSIv2 stands for the Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIV2) and can be found in the inbound and outbound communication settings.


FIPS Compliance-Part III. enableFips using wsadmin and jython jacl


To enable FIPS140-2, launch the wsadmin tool with -lang jython and issue the following command:

AdminTask.enableFips("[-enableFips true -fipsLevel FIPS140-2]")

or use Jacl:

$AdminTask enableFips {-enableFips true -fipsLevel transition }


wsadmin-lang-jython fipsenable fips140-2

fipsLevel values:





Or you can save even more time by scripting this. I wrote the following script to do the job for me (my actual script is longer as now it supports different fipsLevel values).

Example jython script:

import sys, java
def enableFIPS(fipsLevel):
  AdminTask.enableFips("[-enableFips true -fipsLevel FIPS140-2)
def disableFIPS():
  AdminTask.enableFips("[-enableFips false)
if sys.argv[0].lower()=="enable":
  print 'Enabling the FIPS140-2'
elif sys.argv[0].lower()=="disable"


FIPS Compliance-Part II. IBMJCEFIPS not found for IBMSecureRandom


Add the following lines to the ([java_homedir]/jre/lib/security/ file:

Explanation of the issue:

After enabling the FIPS compliance you might encounter the following errors in the log file once you try to restart the Application server:

IBMJCEFIPS not found for IBMSecureRandom

Log details: 704 459 1439 createServerSocket P=312105:O=0:CT ORBX0390E: Cannot create listener thread.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Provider IBMJCEFIPS not found for IBMSecureRandom
vmcid: 0x49421000 minor code: 77 completed: No - received while attempting to open server socket on port 1072 ]. 805 724

The easiest way to fix it is by adding the missing IBM SecureRandom provider into the list before the IBM JCE provider inside the ([java_homedir]/jre/lib/security/


FIPS Compliance-Part I. How to enable the FIPS

How to Enable the FIPS in WebSphere Application Server?

Login to the web console (http[s]://[hostname]:port/ibm/console) and navigate to:

  1. Security > SSL certificate and key management.
  2. Go to Manage FIPS
  3. Select the check box to Use the United States Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 140-2) algorithms
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Save the configuration changes.

Next, set the environment variable to restrict the IBMJSSE2 provider to FIPS-compliant algorithms:

  1. Servers > Application servers, and choose your application server
  2. In the 'Configuration' tab, select the Server Infrastructure field
  3. Click on the Java and Process Management > Process Definition
  4. In the Additional Properties field, click Java Virtual Machine
  5. Inside the Generic JVM Arguments field add the value:
  6. Or, add the property to the jvm.options file
How to enable fips 140-2 in Websphere Application Server


Finding the WebSphere Admin Console Port


locations of the files with all the ports including the ibm/console ports:



After the default installation of the WAS (Websphere Application Server) you can find the console located under the following URLs:


or the SSL (secure connection) under the following URL:


These ports are defined inside the virtualhosts.xml and serverindex.xml files that can be found in the following locations:



IBM Websphere Application Server how to

Below, bunch of very useful links regarding the IBM Websphere Application Server.
Here you can find information regarding the software installation, installation manager, policies, development, JEE specifications, compare IBM Websphere products, get the technical overview as well as the Update and the New features guide, tunning and performance tips, migration and upgrade guides.


Supported hardware and software information

IBM Support Policies

The Ideal WebSphere Development Environment

Web Server plug-in technotes and Merge tool

WebSphere supported Specification levels and pointers to JEE specifications

WebSphere AppServer API Deprecations, removals and stabilizations

Changes in Default behavior

WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide

Migrating WebSphere Compute Grid or Feature Pack for Modern Batch

Webcast replay: WebSphere Application Server V61 for z/OS Exit Plan

WebSphere Training and Technical Enablement

IBM Education Assistant

What's new in WebSphere Application Server v7.0

What’s new in WebSphere Application Server v8.0

What's new in WebSphere Application Server V8.5

WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Technical Overview

WebSphere Application Server: New Features in V8.5.5

WebSphere Application Server V9 Update

Properties based configuration

System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 1:An overview of new administrative features and enhancements

System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 2:Using the Centralized Installation Manager

System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 3:High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL)

System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 4:Using pluggable SDK 7

IBM Techdocs Whitepapers on WAS Migration case studies, including other IBM products

Migrating to Version 7.0 - zOS

WAS z/OS Migration Performance Study

Case study: Tuning WebSphere Application Server V7 for performance

WebSphere Application Server V7 Migration Guide

Changing host names and migrating profiles

IBM Techdocs Whitepapers on WAS Migration case studies, including other IBM products

Migrating to Version 7.0 - zOS

WAS z/OS Migration Performance Study

Case study: Tuning WebSphere Application Server V7 and V8 for performance

WebSphere Application Server V7 Migration Guide

WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Migration Guide

Changing host names and moving profiles

Migrating cell configurations to new host machines

Migration – Application Installation problems

Rational Application Developer Performance Tips

WDT and WAS Application Server for Development

JDK Compatibility

J2EE class loading

Migration from Apache SOAP to WebServices

JavaServer Pages specific Web container custom properties

JMS Listener to Message Driven Bean migration

JDK 5/6/7 Tuning

Using Spring and Hibernate with WebSphere Application Server

WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit

Using other WebService engines in WAS

JSF Migration

WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Migration Guide

Resolving Open Source issues

UrbanCode Deploy

Introducing the Visual Configuration Explorer

IBM Support Assistant

Best Practices for Configuring and Managing Large WebSphere Topologies

wsadmin Primer

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition

JACL to Jython conversion assistant


CurrentFunctionPath - resolving function and stored procedure references

Whenever you are getting the error for trying to access particular function via stored procedure, and you get the error, most probably the CurrentFunctionPath does not include the valid (or contains not enough) schema names.

The CurrentFunctionPath is a property, and can contain one or more schema names, separated by commas and enclosed in double quotation marks. Also, the order of the defined schemas determines the orders in which the function and procedure names are resolved.

The default value is the default CURRENT PATH (or CURRENT_PATH) special register setting at the database server.


Git commands for the beginners. Part I

To create a new repository:
git init
To checkout from the existing repository, use:
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository
To create a copy of the existing local repository:
git clone /path/to/repository